Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Gomen•Kudasai is a Japanese Restaurant Located in New Paltz, New York. 

Serving our community with genuine Japanese Noodles and fine home cooking with wholesome, high quality ingredients that are when possible, organic and locally produced.

By sharing Japanese culture we will help foster a community ethos of respect and harmony.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Gomen-kudasai was a delightful place to eat. I had no idea that Japanese noodles were so diversified. The different sizes, thickness, flavor, texture, color, were not just because of different ingredients. They are marvelously rich and unique! They are not all a highly processed wheat grain as we are used to with American pasta. Then there are the wonderful sauces for dipping, for which there is no local real counterpart even the English word sauce doesn't do them justice.
Most of all I loved the gracious atmosphere. If Youko comes to your table be sure to ask about cultural differences eating noodles. It was so fun to learn that slurping is not just ok, it is the proper etiquette! We had a ball, picked up our sticks, and dug in without another thought about how to hold or whatever. We just had a good time with good food.